INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) is just like a bundle of all these things:
the water piping system; the electrical lining system; the bicycle; roads and highways; the library; the printing press; the telephone; the airplane; and many more. A career in IT is not a dead-end job; it's a continuous learning and innovating of a lot of things.
It is like the water piping system because it is used in drinking water lines, cooling water lines for chemical, petrochemical, mining and governmental projects. The water piping system is the transportation of water from a constricted section to a wide section and vice-verse.
It is like the electrical lining system because the electrical lining system is act of putting electric in a community which has been guided by the information technology. It is the act of giving energy to an establishment like buildings, houses, factories and many more. With the use of information technology, we can appreciate this system because it is our guide of knowing it. We can make use of that system, because of the information technology that makes it easy to understand.
It is like the bicycle because we know that bicycle is made by technology. This is a proof that we use the modern technology to create new things. With the help of Information Technology, we know how to use this technology. Since a bicycle, an instrument operated only by human physical power, was originally invented as the device for transport and conveyance, it has been continuously developed in the structure and function for a long period of time so much so that nowadays bicycles are used not only as an effective transportation instrument but also as a tool for physical exercise and leisure-time activity. Consequently, bicycle is a useful material especially when we are going to go far places. A bicycle, also known as a bike, pushbike or cycle, is a pedal-driven, human-powered, single-track vehicle, having two wheels attached to a frame, one behind the other. A person who rides a bicycle is called a cyclist or a bicyclist.
It is like the roads and highways because it provides the dominant mode of land transport roads and highways form the back bone to the economy and provide essential links to the vast local and community (rural) road networks. A highway is a public road, especially a major road connecting two or more destinations. Any interconnected set of highways can be variously referred to as a "highway system", a "highway network", or a "highway transportation system". Each country has its own national highway system. We can say that a highway is the product of the technology. Each of the materials is made by technology. A road is a thoroughfare, route, or way between two places, which typically has been improved to allow travel by some conveyance, including a horse, cart, or motorized vehicle. Modern roads are normally smoothed, paved, or otherwise prepared to allow easy travel although historically many roads were simply recognizable routes without any formal construction or maintenance. By this continuing world, more and more technology will be taking the technology and we can know it in many form.
It is like the library because A library is a collection of sources, resources, and services, and the structure in which it is housed; it is organized for use and maintained by a public body, an institution, or a private individual. In the more traditional sense, a library is a collection of books. It can mean the collection, the building or room that houses such a collection, or both. The term "library" has itself acquired a secondary meaning: "a collection of useful material for common use." This sense is used in fields such as computer science, mathematics, statistics, electronics and biology. It is also Libraries contain code and data that provide services to independent programs. This allows the sharing and changing of code and data in a modular fashion. Some executable are both standalone programs and libraries, but most libraries are not executable. Executable and libraries make references known as links to each other through the process known as linking, which is typically done by a linker. It is very useful to students of all ages. Students like to use the library as a resource for research paper, getting help with school work and simply looking for information that they might find interesting, just like with Information Technology, it helps us to find information we need to find for school.
It is like the printing press because a printing press is a device for applying pressure to an inked surface resting upon a print medium (such as paper or cloth), thereby transferring the ink. Typically used for texts, the invention and spread of the printing press are widely influence by the people around the world, revolutionizing the way people conceive and describe the world they live in, and ushering in the period of modernity. This can be widely spread, by the information technology. As we all know, printing press is a worldwide product made by people who are updated by IT.
It is like the Telephone because telephone referred to as a phone, is a telecommunications device that transmits and receives sound, most commonly the human voice. Telephones are a point-to-point communication system whose most basic function is to allow two people separated by large distances to talk to each other. It is one of the most common appliances in the developed world, and has long been considered indispensable to businesses, households and governments. The word "telephone" has been adapted to many languages and is widely recognized around the world. Some of the technological uses are the telephones. The widespread use of it, that makes the availability of the Information Technology. Millions of people can get access to it, even at their home for reasonable price. I think, the Information Technology is responsible for the telecommunication. Telephone is widely used, so the information technology is also involved in this thing.
It is like an Airplane because airplane which is a power-driven aircraft that transports people from a place that is pretty much far from its original place and just like airplane, IT transports and transfers data and instructions from the system unit to the user. An airplane can’t fly without a pilot; a pilot is the one who drives and operates an aircraft and he is the guide of the airplane to journey successfully in the air and makes it to its final destination.
A career in IT is not a dead-end job because if will graduate in IT we can find a job and live happily ever after……..
It's a continuous learning and innovating of a lot of things because in IT we can explore many things and we also learn more things that we don’t have before………
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